Using composition as a tool
Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art (color, line, shape, form, space, texture) according to the principles of art (movement, balance, emphasis, contrast, proportion, pattern, rhythm).
Look carefully at the paintings below. In which painting does the composition take the painting beyond being just a picture of everyday objects? Which composition is the most interesting and why?
Choose the painting you think answers these questions and paste it into a post on your blog (don't forget to add the title, artist, and date). Answer the questions above using the vocabulary we've been building in class.
I think the picture Custard Cascade by Will Cotton, 2001 is a good choice for this homework assignment. I like this picture because nothing is quite centered. There are objects in every spot, so this uses space. There is no empty space either! This painting also uses form and shape. Proportion is also used. The proportion and differences in shape between the cake, cupcakes, and various fruits is superb! Texture is also used in this painting. The texture on the different tasty treats make the painting look realistic. The whipped cream is very well done. Contrast is used as well, as you can see. The left side is brighter and the right side is darker.
1 comment:
I agree with your opinions about the painting and i think you did a good job using the proper vocabulary. Overall, you made a great response.
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