Wednesday, October 8, 2008

la pregunta:
1)What has been the most challenging aspect of the course so far?
2)In what areas have you progressed the most and how have you progressed?
3)How does looking at examples of painting from throughout history affect us as painters today?

la repuesta:
1) The most challenging aspect of the course so far for me is making sure objects in my picture look realistic, with out focusing on every little detail. i think i succeeded in doing this in my "white objects" painting. It was more difficult than i thought it would be to make pots look realistic.
2) i think i have progressed the most in my ability to move out of my comfort zone and attempt to do something that is a challenge for me. i have forced myself to concentrate on working on a painting as a whole, not just small portions of it at a time. i think this has allowed my paintings to grow more, and also gave me more time to begin working on details like shading.
3) i think looking at paintings throughout history has helped me to be inspired, and also allows me to study techniques that i like, and attempt to mimick them, yet, turn them into my own style. Also, it allows me to become a better artist because it shows me how to make a painting look realistic, and why.

1 comment:

rroberts said...

so thoughtful becka! i agree that in the white objects painting you really started to see the painting as a whole and did not get wrapped up in the details. the painting is better for it. it allows you to create a sense of space and depth and to show the differences between the objects in terms of color and texture. you have made a lot of progress this term.