Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Morandi vs. VanGogh: Color




the color in VanGogh's paintings are much more brighter, cheerful colors. the colors in Morandi's are dull, but with a lot of tint. they have a darker hue. There is also a lot of detail in Morandi's picture while Vangogh's doesnt. Neither of the artists use pure colors. VanGogh also uses a lot of cool colors, and then some whites. I believe Morandi uses mostly Warm colors....and some whites.


Jenn said...

I agree with the fact that Morandi's colors are more dull and Van Gogh's colors are more bright. However, I disagree with the more detail in Morandi's painting rather than Van Gogh's because I can see more intricate detail in the flower petals.- Jenn

Brett said...

I agree Morandi uses warm colors and Van Gogh uses cool colors. Both painting go well together because of this.

frenchiez said...

I have to disgree with who you think uses more details. I think that Van Gogh uses more detail than Morandi. Good use of the vocab though. :D

Becka :) said...

thanks for the posts! :) i think i meant shadowing by detail...